About the Business
Big pond Digital is an online marketing company based in Scotland that focuses on Search Engine Optimisation, the company was founded by Ari Pournaras.
Big Pond is all about helping brands succeed online by improving their visibility in Google and other search engines. We are ex-agency marketers and have been involved in the digital space and SEO since 2008. Over the years we have worked on multiple successful search campaigns for a variety of clients, ranging from international brands to local businesses.

The reason we started this company was due to the frustration of working at big agencies that were more interested in selling SEO at expensive rates rather than offering a great service by constantly being ahead of the curve and providing great ROI.
Business Services



SEO {Search Engine Optimisation} is the process of maximizing the number of visitors to a particular website by ensuring that the site appears high on the list of results returned by a search engine. Google ranks the results it returns according to a huge list of factors that determine the authority and influence of each site. A big ranking factor is the quality and amount of external links a site has pointing to it.

When Google indexes a site it looks at the sites mark-up, text, images and code. By scanning and interpreting these elements on a website it makes an association between the domain(URL) of that site and the keywords the site mentions. I.e. if a mortgage advisor in Glasgow mentions that they are a mortgage advisor/broker in Glasgow in specific areas of their website, this will help Google make an association between that domain and those keywords and rank the site accordingly. In order to increase the relevancy, we optimise sites in specific sections that give google a better understanding of what the site is about and what keywords it should be visible for, this is called on-site optimisation.

As it was mentioned above, a big ranking factor (if not the biggest) is the amount of links a site has pointing to it. By links we mean external (other sites) linking to yours. A link is like a vote of confidence in Googles eyes so the quality of these sites and the amount of linking sources are huge ranking factors. We help increase the amount of linking sources and the quality of them and this is called Link Building.

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Ayr, KA7 2TS
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